What I do at Google

This entry was posted by on Wednesday, 28 December, 2005 at

Friends and family often ask me what I do at Google. I can’t give details, but I can explain in general. And by posting this blog entry, I can refer people here!

Most of this information is available at code.google.com.

I work for Google’s open-source team. Our mission is to promote open source software (OSS) in multiple ways:

  • Opening Google code: …we help internally developed software get released as open source. See our projects page for a list.
  • Publishing Google APIs: …so that people can write 3rd-party applications that use our technology, such as search or maps. See our APIS page for a list.
  • Sponsoring OSS organizations: …we participate, both financially and politically, in important OSS organizations such as the FSF, Mozilla, Apache and Python foundations.
  • Participating in OSS communities: …we participate directly in OSS communities where we have expertise: Apache, Subversion, Firefox, Open Office. We attend OSS conferences and speak about open source.
  • Encouraging new generations of OSS coders… by creating programs like the Summer of Code, whereby we pay students to work with mentors on OSS coding projects.

Hopefully this gives you a better idea of what sort of things I do. If you’re interested in Google, send me an email, we’re always looking for new people!


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